Eye strain (asthenopia)


Eye strain symptoms

The most common signs of eye strain are:

  • Soreness of the eyes
  • Dryness and discomfort
  • Blurry, hazy vision
  • Sore back and neck
  • Double vision
  • Difficulty focusing and concentrating on objects
  • Sensitivity to light – both natural and artificial
  • Feeling a tight sensation in the temples and forehead
  • Frequent headaches such as migraines


Types of eye strain

A common term for general eye strain is asthenopia. This is when the eyes ache and feel fatigued. Types of eye strain range from CVS (computer vision syndrome) to astigmatism. You might get CVS after reading a computer or mobile phone screen for several hours. When your eye muscles are working for long hours, your pupils find it difficult to absorb the consistent exposure to rays without a break, leading to the eye's exhaustion. Astigmatism shares some symptoms in common with CVS; however, this type of eye strain is due to the improper curve of the cornea. This may create eye strain because of the extra effort needed to focus when you have blurred vision.

The way to counter this is by investing in glasses. Wearing glasses may increase your vision whilst also reducing the burden on your eyes. We also recommend you get plenty of sleep to thoroughly rest your eyes. Other solutions, such as adjusting your screen's glare, or switching up the light settings in your room, may also provide eye strain relief. All of these options can reduce eye strain and improve eye health.



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